Past Workshop: Use Email Marketing to Increase Your Company’s Revenue
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Thursday, June 7th. 9 AM—Noon | $50
Targeted email marketing is a low cost way to stay connected to your clientele through consistent, well designed email reminders. In this workshop attendees will learn how a great email marketing service organizes your addresses; offers stylish, easy-to-use templates and provides comprehensive data about your email campaign’s reach. Some services even include event organizers and survey features. Peggy Pfeiffer will offer ideas for a year’s worth of emails that you can use to turn your business around.
See if email marketing is right for your business!
Peggy Pfeiffer
Top Dog + creative director at BadDog Design since 1996, Peggy Pfeiffer specializes in creating powerful brands for her clients. BadDog Design is a solutions-based firm that excels in collaborating with clients. BadDog designs award-winning printed and digital materials that promote and sustain clients’ brands and help grow businesses or organizations. The team at BadDog Design produces identities, stationery systems, responsive web sites, advertising, catalogs, books + magazines, invitations, packaging and much more. Peggy particularly enjoys the new opportunities in promotion that email marketing and social media present.